GridJS Version: 0.1.3 By @Sneezry

A JavaScript Imaging Library



Return a new two-dimensional array contains absolute values of the given two-dimensional array.

two-dimensional array gridjs.abs(srcArray)
two-dimensional array srcArray The two-dimensional array to calculate absolute values with.


Return a new two-dimensional array contains sum values of the given two two-dimensional arrays.

two-dimensional array gridjs.add(srcArray, dstArray)
two-dimensional array srcArray The first two-dimensional array to calculate with.
two-dimensional array dstArray The second two-dimensional array to calculate with.


Create a new blank image object with the given size.

ImageObject gridjs.blank(width, height, fill)
number width Width of the blank image object.
number height Height of the blank image object.
array (optional) fill Background fill color with r, g, b and a channel, default value of every channel is 0. For example, [255, 0, 0, 1] means red.


An alias of gridjs.convolution.


Calculate convolution of two two-dimensional arrays. The result has the same size with srcArray. The result is a new two-dimensional array.

two-dimensional array gridjs.convolution(srcArray, maskArray)
two-dimensional array srcArray The first array of convolution.
two-dimensional array maskArray The second array of convolution.


Cut off values of the two-dimensional array with the given max value, values larger then the given max value will be set to the max value. This method modifis origin data.

two-dimensional array gridjs.cutoff(srcArray, max)
two-dimensional array srcArray The two-dimensional array to cut off.
number max Max value to cut off srcArray with.


An alias of gridjs.divide.


Calculate every value of srcArray divide by the same position value of dstArray and return a new two-dimensional array with the result.

If dstArray is a number, then calculate every value of srcArray divide by dstArray.

Notice: this method is not a traditional definition of matrix divide.

two-dimensional array gridjs.divide(srcArray, dstArray, defaultValue)
two-dimensional array srcArray The first two-dimensional array to calculate with.
two-dimensional array or number dstArray The second two-dimensional array or number to calculate with.
number (optional) defaultValue If this parameter is set, the quotient will be set to it when denominator is zero.


Return a new two-dimensional array with gauss filter.

two-dimensional array gridjs.gaussCore(srcArray, size, sigma, derivative)
two-dimensional array srcArray The two-dimensional array to calculate Gauss filter with.
number size Size of the Gauss core.
number (optional) sigma Sigma for calculating Gauss core, default value is 1.
number (optional) derivative 0 for the first derivative Gx, 1 for the first derivative Gy, 2 for the second derivative Gxy.


Return a two-dimensional array of Gauss core with the given size and sigma.

two-dimensional array gridjs.gaussCore(size, sigma, derivative)
number size Size of the Gauss core.
number (optional) sigma Sigma for calculating Gauss core, default value is 1.
number (optional) derivative 0 for the first derivative Gx, 1 for the first derivative Gy, 2 for the second derivative Gxy.


Create an ImageObjet from image URL, imageData or pixel object.

gridjs.getImageObject(image, callback)
string or image data or pixel object image If you specify the image parameter with string, it should be the URL of the image.
function callback The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this: function(imageObject) {...};


Create an ImageObject from image data.

ImageObject gridjs.getImageObjectFromImageData(imageData)
image data imageData Image data of an image for creating ImageObjcet.


Create an ImageObject from pixel object.

ImageObject gridjs.getImageObjectFromPixel(pixel)
pixel object pixel Pixel object of an image for creating ImageObjcet.


Create an ImageObjet from image URL.

gridjs.getImageObjectFromURL(url, callback)
string url URL of an image for creating ImageObjcet.
function callback The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this: function(imageObject) {...};


Calculate k-means clustering.

object gridjs.kmeans(points, k, maxStep)
point list points The point list should be a two-dimensional array like [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...].
number k Number of clusters.
number (optional) maxStep Max step for calculating, default value is 20.
point list center Centers of clusters that is a two-dimensional array like [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...].
array of point list cluster Center of the nth cluster is center[n].


Calculate srcArray minus dstArray and return a new two-dimensional array with the result.

two-dimensional array gridjs.minus(srcArray, dstArray)
two-dimensional array srcArray The first two-dimensional array to calculate with.
two-dimensional array dstArray The second two-dimensional array to calculate with.


An alias of gridjs.multiply.


Calculate every value of srcArray multiply the same position value of dstArray and return a new two-dimensional array with the result.

If dstArray is a number, then calculate every value of srcArray multipy dstArray.

Notice: this method is not a traditional definition of matrix multiply.

two-dimensional array gridjs.multiply(srcArray, dstArray)
two-dimensional array srcArray The first two-dimensional array to calculate with.
two-dimensional array or number dstArray The second two-dimensional array or number to calculate with.


An alias of gridjs.normalize.


Normalize values in the two-dimensional array between the given min and max value. This method modifies origin data.

two-dimensional array gridjs.normalize(srcArray, min, max)
two-dimensional array srcArray The two-dimensional array to normalize.
number (optional) min Min value to normalize with, default value is 0.
number (optional) max Max value to normalize with, default value is 1.


Return a new two-dimensional array contains only ones with the given size.

two-dimensional array gridjs.ones(width, height, value)
number or two-dimensional array width Width of size. If width is a two-dimensional array, the result has the same size with it.
number height Height of size. if width is a two-dimensional array, this parameter will be ignored.
number (optional) value The value the two-dimensional array contains, default value is 1.

An alias of gridjs.getImageObject.


Return a new two-dimensional array contains square root values of the given two-dimensional array.

two-dimensional array gridjs.sqrt(srcArray)
two-dimensional array srcArray The two-dimensional array to calculate square root values with.


Return a new two-dimensional array contains square values of the given two-dimensional array.

two-dimensional array gridjs.square(srcArray)
two-dimensional array srcArray The two-dimensional array to calculate square values with.


Return a new two-dimensional array contains only zeros with the given size.

two-dimensional array gridjs.zeros(width, height)
number or two-dimensional array width Width of size. If width is a two-dimensional array, the result has the same size with it.
number height Height of size. if width is a two-dimensional array, this parameter will be ignored.


Data Type

number width Width of the image.
number height Height of the image.
image data imageData Image data of the image. See
pixel object pixel Pixel object of the image.
ImageObject origin The origin image object of the current image object. This parameter is only available when current image object is created from ImageObject.load method.
number originLeft Left position of the origin image. This parameter is only available when current image object is created from ImageObject.load method.
number originTop Top position of the origin image. This parameter is only available when current image object is created from ImageObject.load method.

Pixel Object

two-dimensional array r Red channel of the image. Values are between 0 and 255.
two-dimensional array g Green channel of the image. Values are between 0 and 255.
two-dimensional array b Blue channel of the image. Values are between 0 and 255.
two-dimensional array a alpha channel of the image. Values are between 0 and 1.
two-dimensional array G luminance of the image. Values are between 0 and 255. This attribute is only available when the image object is converted to grayscale. If the image is grayscale, r, g and b will point to G, that is to say, if you change a pixel in G, channel r, g and b will be changed as well. You should only edit G channel in a grayscale image object.


Affine transform the image object.

ImageObject ImageObject.affine(matrix)
two-dimensional array matrix The affine matrix like [[M11, M12, M13], [M21, M22, M23]]. The 3rd row of affine matrix is always [0, 0, 1], so you needn't mention it.


Affine transform the image object with the given corners. Cause affine transformation has 6 independent degrees of freedom, only the first three corners will be accepted if you give out them four all.

ImageObject ImageObject.affinec(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight)
array or null topLeft Top left corner of the affined image.
array or null topRight Top right corner of the affined image.
array or null bottomLeft Bottom left corner of the affined image.
array or null bottomRight Bottom right corner of the affined image.


Draw an arc on the image object.

ImageObject ImageObject.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, startDegree, endDegree, fill, stroke)
number centerX Left position of center of the arc on the image object.
number centerY Top position of center of the arc on the image object.
number radius Radius of the arc.
number startDegree Start degree of the arc.
number endDegree End degree of the arc.
array (optional) fill Fill color with r, g, b and a channel, default value of every channel is 0. For example, [255, 0, 0, 1] means red.
array (optional) stroke Stoke color with r, g, b and a channel, and line width, default value of every channel and line width is 0. For example, [0, 0, 255, 1, 2] means stroke with 2px width blue lines.


Blend two image object. This method modifies origin data.

The current image object will be blended with the given image object. If you'd like to cover the current image object with another image object, see ImageObject.paste.

ImageObject ImageObject.blend(srcImageObject, updown, offsetX, offsetY)
ImageObject srcImageObject The image object to blend on the current image object.
number (optional) updown Whether the image object is above or below srcImageObject, 0 means the image object is below srcImageObject, 1 means above. Default value is 0.
number (optional) offsetX The x offset of srcImageObject on the current image object, default value is 0.
number (optional) offsetY The y offset of srcImageObject on the current image object, default value is 0.

Draw a circle on the image object.

ImageObject, centerY, radius, fill, stroke)
number centerX Left position of center of the circle on the image object.
number centerY Top position of center of the circle on the image object.
number radius Radius of the circle.
array (optional) fill Fill color with r, g, b and a channel, default value of every channel is 0. For example, [255, 0, 0, 1] means red.
array (optional) stroke Stoke color with r, g, b and a channel, and line width, default value of every channel and line width is 0. For example, [0, 0, 255, 1, 2] means stroke with 2px width blue lines.


Create a copy of the current image object.

ImageObject ImageObject.copy()


Crop the image object with the given position and size. This method modifies origin data.

If you'd like to create a dynamic crop of the image object(changes on the crop image object will effect the origin image object), see ImageObject.load.

ImageObject ImageObject.crop(left, top, cropWidth, cropHeight)
number left Left position of the image object to crop.
number top Top position of the image object to crop.
number cropWidth Width of the size to crop.
number cropHeight Height of the size to crop.


Flip the image object with the given axis. This method modifies origin data.

ImageObject ImageObject.flip(axis)
number axis 0 means y axis(flip horizontal), 1 means x axis(flip vertical), 2 means x and y axis(same as rotate 180 degrees). If the given axis is none of these options, the image object will not be changed.


Update image object with workplace data immediately. You should only call this method after ImageObject.hold.

ImageObject ImageObject.flush()


Convert an image object to grayscale. This method modifies origin data.

ImageObject ImageObject.grayscale()


Do not update image object form workplace data until ImageObject.flush is called. This method is only avaliable for ImageObject.plot, ImageObject.rect, ImageObject.arc, and ImageObject.poly. If you have many geometries to draw, and you'd like to do that within a loop, then you should call this method before the loop, and then call ImageObject.flush to update the image object.

ImageObject ImageObject.hold()


Create a new dynamic crop image object of the current image object.

You should always call ImageObject.update method after edit a dynamic crop image object to make changes effective on the origin image object.

ImageObject ImageObject.load(left, top, width, height)
number left Left position of the image object to load.
number top Top position of the image object to load.
number width Width of the size to load.
number height Height of the size to load.


[Since 0.1.3] Use the mask to hide portions of the layer and reveal the layers below. This method modifies origin data.

ImageObject ImageObject.mask(maskImageObject)
ImageObject maskImageObject The mask image object. Colors of the mask is not important. Size of the mask should be the same as the origin image object.


Paste another image object to the current image object with the given position.

ImageObject ImageObject.paste(srcImageObject, left, top)
ImageObject srcImageObject The image object to paste.
number (optional) left Left position of the image object to paste, default value is 0.
number (optional) top Top position of the image object to paste, default value is 0.


Draw dots and lines on an image object. This method modifies origin data.

ImageObject ImageObject.plot(points, style)
array or array of array points If this parameter is array, it should contain two values, x and y. If this parameter is array of array, it should contain arrays that contain two values, x and y. For example, [x, y] or [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...]. You may also call this method with three parameters: x, y and style. For example, ImageObject.plot(10, 100, 'ro').
string (optional) style Style contains three commands to define color, dot style and line style. Colors: 'b' for blue, 'g' for green, 'r' for red, 'c' for cyan, 'm' for magenta, 'y' for yellow, 'k' for black and 'w' for white. Dot styles: '.' for dot, 'o' for circle, 's' for square, '*' for star, '+' for plus and 'x' for cross. Line styles: '-' for dashed, '--' for solid, ':' for dotted. For example, 'go-' means green dashed lines with circle symbols, 'r*' means red star symbols. The default style is blue solid lines without symbols.


An alias of ImageObject.ploygon.


Draw a polygon on the image object.

ImageObject ImageObject.polygon(points, fill, stroke)
point list points The point list should be a two-dimensional array like [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], ...].
array (optional) fill Fill color with r, g, b and a channel, default value of every channel is 0. For example, [255, 0, 0, 1] means red.
array (optional) stroke Stroke color with r, g, b and a channel, and line width, default value of every channel and line width is 0. For example, [0, 0, 255, 1, 2] means stroke with 2px width blue lines.


An alias of ImageObject.rectangle.


Draw a rectangle on the image object. This method modifies origin data.

ImageObject ImageObject.rectangle(left, top, width, height, fill, stroke)
number left Left position of the rectangle on the image object.
number top Top position of the rectangle on the image object.
number width Width of the rectangle.
number height Height of the rectangle.
array (optional) fill Fill color with r, g, b and a channel, default value of every channel is 0. For example, [255, 0, 0, 1] means red.
array (optional) stroke Stroke color with r, g, b and a channel, and line width, default value of every channel and line width is 0. For example, [0, 0, 255, 1, 2] means stroke with 2px width blue lines.


Resize the current image object. This method modifies origin data.

The image object will be stretched with the given size. If you'd like to crop an image object, see ImageObject.crop.

ImageObject ImageObject.resize(newWidth, newHeight)
number newWidth New width of the image object. If the value is smaller than 1, it will be regarded as scale.
number newHeight New height of the image object. If the value is smaller than 1, it will be regarded as scale.


Reverse colors of the image object.

ImageObject ImageObject.reverse()


Convert an image object to RGB. This method modifies origin data.

ImageObject ImageObject.rgb()


Convert an image object to RGBA. This method modifies origin data.

ImageObject ImageObject.rgba()


Rotate the image object counterclockwise with the given degree. This method modifies origin data.

Notice: this method probably changes the size of image data. For exmaple, if the origin image is a square, the width and height will change to 1.414 times after rotating 45 degrees.

ImageObject ImageObject.rotate(degree)
number degree Degree to rotate the image object with.

Show the image object on the given canvas element.

canvas element or img element canvas The canvas on which to show the image object.


[Since 0.1.1] Draw text on the image object.

ImageObject ImageObject.text(left, top, text, style)
number left The left position to draw text.
number top The top position to draw text.
string text The text to draw.
array style An array of text style. The style contains font size, text align, text base line, font style, font weight, font variant, font family and text color. The unit of font size is px, such as 20px, text align may be start/end/center/left/right, text base line may be top/bottom/middle/alphabetic/hanging, font style may be italic/oblque, font weight may be bold/bolder/lighter, font variant may be small-caps, text color is an array contains 4 numbers r, g, b and a. The type of value of font weight can also be number, and available values are 100/200/300/400/500/600/700/800/900. For example, ["20px", "Arial", "left", "middle", 700, [255, 0, 0, 1]].


An alias of ImageObject.updateImageData.


Update the image object with pixel object of the image object. This method modifies origin data. Width and height attributes will be updated as well.

You should always call this method after you edit pixel object of an image object.

ImageObject ImageObject.updateImageData()


Update the image object with image data of the image object. This method modifies origin data. Width and height attributes will be updated as well.

You should always call this method after you edit image data of an image object.

Notice: edit image data is not recommended.

ImageObject ImageObject.updatePixel()